Gilbert L. Morris

 Gilbert L. Morris 's Books

A very well recieved series by Gilbert L. Morris are the books, featuring tropes. The most popular books are Drummer Boy at Bull Run, Empress of the Underworld, Bring the Boys Home, Caves That Time Forgot, Spell of the Crystal Chair, Secret of Richmond Manor, Voyage of the Dolphin, Encounter at Cold Harbor, Fire Over Atlanta, Sword of Camelot, Victims of Nimbo, Winged Raiders of the Desert, Gallant Boys of Gettysburg, Flight of the Eagles, Temptations of Pleasure Island, Savage Games of Lord Zarak, Yankee Belles in Dixie, Attack of the Amazons, Gates of Neptune, Battle of Lookout Mountain, Terrible Beast of Zor, Final Kingdom, Escape with the Dream Maker, which was published in 2022.